Congratulations to all our successful grant applicants!

We are delighted to announce that over £12,000 has been given out in grants to support projects that will encourage more people with a Parkinson's diagnosis to keep active.
Five walking football clubs applied for a grant and have each been awarded £1000 each, the clubs are
Pioneers Women's Walking Football Team
Pennie Parkies
Northern Lights
Fighting Fit Football
Pheonix 681 FC
Derby Parkinson's Football Team have also been successful in their grant application and have been awarded over £400 to set up a Parkinson's Walking Football Team in Derby for men and women living with Parkinson's.
£600 has been awarded to a Parkinson's Support Group in Greenwich. The funding will be put towards moving an indoor rowing group out onto the water.
£1000 has been awarded to a Nordic Walking exercise group based in Nottinghamshire to buy new equipment.
Over £850 has been awarded to Leeds ParkyPing to purchase a brand new ping pong table as they continue to grow the game amongst Parkinson's battlers in the Leeds area.
£1820 has been awarded to Bigger & Better for Parkinson's - to "help improve the quality of life of people living with Parkinson's".
The grant will fund 6 months / 26 weeks of exercise sessions
£1000 has been granted to Imperial College to run TAI CHI & other high intensity exercise classes
The Healthy & Strong Grant Fund application process is currently closed, but will reopen again towards the end of 2024.